St. Lukes Serbian Orhtodox Church Potomac, Maryland...but no one is there??? a sign says to be developed? but the web site sent us here. A quick sign of the cross and we see
Antiochian Orthodox Church
next door? well let's try this one....we sat in the parking lot and Bubba said no no we're on a mission we have to find those Serbs!...where is St. Lukes...get on that Google...Bubba we're in the wrong state? It's not in Maryland it's in McLean Va??? ok let's race over there...
St. Lukes Serbian Orthodox Church?
Mclean Va

It's always wonderful walking into church late...yikes. I gave myself the evil eye! Bubba, where are we??? who's on first? Can I count this for 3 Church visits on my Bucket List where I have a To Do of attending church at 50 different Orthodox Churches? After all this frantic driving around- hey, look out for the pot hole! boom! Car alignment? Alignment? we don't need no stinking Alignment. I'm counting today as 3 ! Whew.......

Bubba mentions to Father John Vitko we had our signals crossed this morning so pardon us for our late entry. Christ is in our midst! He is and ever shall be! Well maybe not so much on the Internet and GPS....in fact there are 2 St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Churches within a few miles of each other??? At one time they were one...but you know how some of us Serbs can be (think Planet Blago)- ask Bubba, he is just starting to get used to it after 34 years, but then again maybe not so much. Father John and Popadija Kitty invited the congregation to join them after services for the blessing of their new home. Now how's that for one big happy family! We were happy as Traveling Ambassadors for OCMC (Orthodox Christian Mission Center) to find St Luke's and a warm and friendly parish people

Nothing a stop off at The Old Ebbit Grill won't cure....ok after some sustenance (our favorite place for Oysters- last visit Bubba and our son Nick ate 6 dozen) and a glass of vino we are ready for one more church. Hey Bubba, that counts for communion, right? Nice try Boca, Onward and upward ...

Ok over to the NATIONAL CATHEDRAL....yes Bubba you can be a tourist and wear your shorts....they started building this magnificent Cathedral in 1907 and finished it up in 1990! If you haven't been up the hill to see it on your DC trip it's worth the trek. Whether in the majestic space of the nave or in the intimacy of the smaller chapels, you'll fin a place for prayer and quiet reflection at the CATHEDRAL.
We are particularly fond of the Fredrick Hart reliefs-images designed to teach Christian beliefs and reveal the presence of God while paying tribute to our country's history and values. Fredrick was the artist that sculpted the "2nd" Viet Nam Memorial of the 3 service men. As a matter of fact we had the opportunity to meet him and acknowledge his outstanding sculpture. I reminded Fredrick of how we knew his work....when he first ventured into commercial art world I saw an exhibit of his work in Chicago. I was so mesmerized and was appreciative of the Viet Nam Sculpture he did, I thought hey, how bout this for a deal? I'll buy one of his sculptures IF he signs a print of the 3 Service Men (really a poster) and this will be for my Bubba-his Welcome Home GI. The manager of the Gallery didn't think this was possible...and being Boca I assured her that indeed it was VERY POSSIBLE. Take my number, I live in Florida, just let Mr. Hart know my husband is a Viet Nam Vet. He'll get it. So sure enough a couple of weeks later a call from the gallery, "Mrs. Collins, Mr. Hart will be happy to sign a print for your husband. " And I must say this was and still is the best gift I have ever given Bubba....
With gratitude and esteem for service to your country.
Fredrick Hart
After some intensive matting and framing Keith proudly displayed that "poster" in his office for years. Fredrick vividly remembered this unusual request. Not only was he a talented artist, his kindness and gratefulness for our Vets was awesome. Fredrick died a few years later. We also met his wife in on a visit to St. Augustine last year. I retold the story to her and yes she was also familiar with this unusual request. May his Memory and Art Be Eternal!
This is the 2nd largest Cathedral in the country and the 4th largest in the world....my favorite section is the 7th floor...what a view of DC. Today we spent much of the day praying for a very special young man......light a candle, say a prayer, be at peace.