Since 1993, the Womack Army Medical Center Fisher House has supported the Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base Communities in their time of need. In addition to providing a "home-away-from-home" for families of patients at Womack and the Fayetteville VA Medical Center, the Fort Bragg Fisher House has been home to families whose loved ones were killed in several tragic accidents. And they have just the right House Manager to take care of all of it- Paula Gallero. Paula has been the House Manager since 1995 and her love of Mr. and Mrs. Fisher was evident. She too had the privilege to know the Fishers and be a part of their "dream". We also met her "Dream Team"- the assistant house manager, Shawna Crouch as well as some of the most determined and committed volunteers you will ever meet.

We had the opportunity to have lunch with the Dream Team. Two of the ladies husbands are stationed on base so we learned a lot about what it's like to be the wife of a career military man. Who knew! It is definitely a team sport for the family in every way. In most cases, the wife is far away from her family and support group and is "left" to find a way for herself and her family. Never mind being tense about what your husband (or wife) is up to job wise. We laughed at the quote "if the Army wanted you to have a wife we would have issued you one!" One of the "non-wife" volunteers started up a local Friends of Fisher House 501 C3- no easy task I assure you. I shared one of my dreams-a national data base for the military and their families that they can go to to find out about all the services and resources that are available to them. In addition this would also help those providing all of these services and resources to know the bigger picture as well. And finally, it may help eliminate some redundancy and help streamline all the efforts being made on behalf of our military, families and Vets. Now only to find a company to fund this dream...... As Keith and I crisscross the country we meet so many wonderful people and organizations doing God's work in helping and supporting our troops, families and Vets. We constantly introduce one to another...synergy baby! Of course this is just a drop in the bucket but I try to keep in mind the tale of the little boy walking down the beach after a big storm had washed up millions of star fish on the beach and stranded them. And the little boy picks one up and throws it back into the sea and an old man watching him asked "there's a million of them on the beach. What difference does throwing one back make?" and the little boy answered "it made a big difference to that one..."

Paula and Team- we salute you. We left with way more than we brought. We are in awe of the caring, kindness and love you give to the Fisher House at Fort Bragg. God Bless!