Two houses- one under renovation and 3 being built! How's that for having a plateful. While we regret we didn't get to meet the obviously talented and very busy Becky Wood, we can see that she has been a very busy lady. With the closing of Walter Reed she will have 5 houses to manage at a very busy military hospital.

We also stopped by to meet David Coker (retired Army Major), President of Fisher House Foundation. While stationed at Simmons Army Hospital in Colorado and following his wife's lead,as a Fisher House volunteer, he became so enthusiastic about the concept that he started a "Fisher House Foundation" to support the house and families. Mr. Zachary Fisher so loved the concept and said- hey we can do this on a national scale, how about helping us start it up Major Coker? So when Dave "retired" he became the first employee of the Fisher Foundation- a real one man band. While the Fisher family is based out of New York, Dave suggested an office in DC, close to the military folks would be a good idea. You bet. Under Dave's insightful leadership and dogged determination to continue to serve our military and their families coupled with Zachary Fisher and family's vision, huge generosity and love of our military and country the foundation was in motion. Today the Fisher Foundation does so much for so many: a vision for 100 plus Houses (46 now at 18 military installations and 15 VA locations with several in the pipeline (predominately at VA hospitals due to the extensive after care needed), Miles for Hero's, Scholarships and of course the Intrepid Museum (housed in an aircraft carrier) in NYC. As we acknowledge the 100th anniversary of Zachary Fisher's birth this September (he passed in 1999) his success story as an immigrant to the US and sharing that success with the military ( unable to serve in the military due to a physical limitation he paid for the first 25 Fisher Houses out of his pocket)-as well as other philanthropic donations. This example of an American success story is an inspiration to many. Keith's most admired of the labels and awards that Zachary Fisher received, is that of Honorary Veteran. This award has been bestowed on only two individuals- the other being Bob Hope. It is pleasure to sing his praise and share his story. Memory Eternal!
Dave's calm demeanor and quiet resolve is the perfect person serving as the Foundation's President. His humbleness reflects the Fisher family's philosophy to a tee. Never no mind- he will always be Super Dave to us! Thank you for your service Major Coker. And a huge shout out to one of the most generous and steadfast patriotic families this country has know- God Bless the Fisher family.
Please check out their website for more information and how you can participate. National or at your local Fisher House. Being a Friend of the Fisher House is an absolute opportunity to make a difference.