Andrews Air Force Base Fisher House How's that for a welcome smile. Janet Grammp, Fisher House Manager and woman of many talents and energizer bunny.We were amazed at all the extra projects and volunteering that she is involved in ( to name a couple, Red Cross, Parents and Children Fighting Cancer)-we couldn't figure out when she slept. When we showed up Monday morning we found her bounding down the stairs with a clothes basket filled with sheets and towels..."no housekeeper today and you have to do what you have to do". This Air Force kid also joined the Air Force and was one of the first woman in her class in 1979 to attend the Air Traffic Controller School (yup, 25 guys and me). As a matter of fact Janet met her husband another Air Force Air Traffic controller, had four kids and now a son and daughter in law are also Air Traffic Controllers. Janet has been the House Manager since they broke ground in 1994. "It's not a job, it's a life's work. This house is mine, every ounce of it!" Janet's beautiful garden is a peaceful respite for her guests. "The Fisher House is an invaluable resource to Joint Base Andrews-a true home away from home for military families during a time of need", said Col. Robert Miller, 779 Medical Wing Commander. "The personalized support is second to none, thanks to the staff and volunteers. We are very lucky they are here". You've got that right Colonel! Janet is a great example of Zachary Fishers motto "Anyone who is a guest should be treated as they were a guest in my home". Our hats off to you Janet for all that you do!
Two Fisher Houses here and Two Great People to manage them-House Manager Maurice Borde and Ast. Manager Rebecca Skinner. This tough post has some seriouskly injured soldiers. God Bless all of the staff (a friend of ours is a nurse there) for the care and phenomenal treatment. One of things we learned about was the "music therapy" program helps with their healing and brain reordering. Bubba said- can I give it a whirl?
I saw this machine and thought wow an ATM-great idea. Not. This machine allows the soldier to print up all of their medical records, right there at the Fisher House. After many years taking care of our Wounded Warriors,Walter Reed is slated to close next year. Most of the soldiers care will be moved to Bethesda Naval and will become more a "joint medical facility".
Deb and Bill Anderson have lived in DC the past 5 years when he was appointed by our then President (Bush) as the Under Secretary of the Air Force. Bill was formerly a Jack Walsh protege with GE in Connecticut so I am sure the switch from the private sector to the "military" was beyond fascinating. We enjoyed happy hour at their oh so chic condo. No wonder Deb looked "hot" in that red hot Versace-she has a built in stairmaster with 3 floors and a roof top patio-with a view of the National Monument, oh yes please invite us back for some of those 4th of July fireworks It was fun catching up and hearing about life in DC and current projects. No grass will grow under the Anderson's feet. These Patriotic folks do much to help others. Dinner at 701 was scrumptious. While Sis behaved nicely, after a few too many Bannna Daquari's the Pleepmeister tabled hopped looking for anyone who worked at the White House who would take his message to the boss- "Knock it off, already".