Our old stomping grounds...Keith was stationed here on the Kissinger Detail and I went to grad school at George Washington University back in the 70's- he with his fu Manchu mustache and me with my Dorothy Hamill hair cut. Oh yeah, we were all that! I'll never forget the first tuition bill Bubba received from GW- "Honey there has got to be a mistake. It can't be $5000 for one semester! Hell, my total bill at Florida State University was less than that!!". "Oh yes dear Bubba, what is that saying? something about you get what you pay for?" In spite of tuition flashbacks it is always a pleasure and joy to visit our nation's capitol regardless of who is living in that White House. NO tour of the Bureau of Engraving this time- Bubba couldn't stand to witness what so many of us are complaining about- gold? gold? we don't need no stinking gold...he did find a souvenir that would be quite useful for Boca....

Ha Ha Bubba. We have only been reported to the Front Desk 2 times since we arrived...yes he brings the Green Smoothie Machine into the Hotel. Not only does that Vitamixer sound like a cement MIXER but my darling Bubba somehow manages to get that Green Slime all over the walls and the maid thought it was some sort of Toxic Waste.
On the other hand he can't quite understand why we need to travel with a portrait of my little Lu Lu...duh. Not to be left in the car of course .I must say the the Pleepster and Sis have been behaving remarkably well this trip. I think that Monkey Behaving Bootcamp actually worked. I must find the one for Road Tripping Husbands.

So onward to the Memorials....with an abbreviated trip it was all about the Memorials. First stop Arlington National Cemetery- Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This is a tough one for Bubba as one of his high school buddies served as a Guard here then went on to Viet Nam and was killed in action there. It is amazing how those young Guards can keep their "cool" in this heat. Next stop WWII Memorial- we really love the size, the States etched in stone, the stars and the very lively water spout and pond- bringing so many people to sit, cool off and remember. We came here for the dedication in 2004 and so enjoyed the Greatest Generation...hey Bubba why don't they have a WWI Memorial?

And we always save the BEST for last. THE WALL It is always good to see so many people visit the WALL. And it is always a heartfelt visit for Bubba- he served in Viet Nam in 1966-67. The visits never get easier or less emotional. While Bubba is not one for displaying too much emotion in public, this is one place he can't stop the tears from rolling down his face. Seeing those names brings it up close and personal. I thank you for your service Sir.. I know he suffered as a young man who served in combat and coming home to a pretty much ungrateful nation must have been tough. I am thankful that our soldiers coming home today do not have that type of homecoming. I thank you Viet Nam Vets for your service and sacrifice. The Memorial Volunteer who spoke to the crowd reminded us "Please thank our returning military and all for with out them there would be no freedom". Amen.