As Wille so aptly said it....
"On the road again,
Just can't wait to get on the road again
like a band of gypsies we go down the highway
We're the best of friends
insisting that the world keep turning our way
ROAD TRIP- a journey via automobile

I guess driving the 22,500 miles to the Arctic Ocean last summer wasn't enough. So after overpacking the SUV again we are off and running to celebrate the open road. This year we are headed to the Eastern half of the good ol'USA on up to St. Edwards Island and Newfoundland. More family, friends, Fishers, faith and forests. Will we qualify as Professional Road Trippers? Is this the Baby Boomer version of hitchhiking? Does Dashboarding count as exercise? So glad I can pack the "extras" and not pay "extra" and so love not having to stand in line to take off my shoes to change states. Besides it's an excellent way to shed some skin and live out loud. Check out the schedule and see if you're on the trip tick. Our most valuable souvenir are the hugs and stories we can't wait to share. Look over at the archived blogs on the right side as it stores the "older" blog entries there....don't want you to miss the trip from day one!


After last summers "once in a life time road trip" we were hooked-if bored one evening see pamelacollins.blogspot.com (North to Alaska) for sordid details. There are plenty of reasons to hit the road and celebrate America's (and Canada too!) cultural heritage and natural wonders. Although we haven't experienced the meandering version-our trip is kinda planned and suits our purpose. Our focus are the FIVE F'S (family, friends, fishers, faith, forests). With the blessing of health and time we are free to visit and experience our F's. We have also learned the way to a healthy life style on a long road trip....goal for this trip is to eat green and healthy- no more Bubba's Jerky and Corn Dogs. Bubba is even bringing his Vita Mixer. Nothing like a Slimey I mean green smoothie to start the day off. Pleep only indulges in the banana smoothies...no green for the Pleepmeister. And yes there has been a new addition to the Collins Road Family- Pleep now has a sister- Pleetisha (aka Sis). After he laid down the rules of the road to Sis and made it clear who is in charge of this rig she smiled sweetly and said "you bet Bro!" So come along for the ride- Happy Trails!

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Thursday, September 2, 2010


High End Nesters Unite!
From skylines to shore lines.  Bubba was quite excited when he saw all the deer signs.  Golly!  Ah, my darling-those are just to warn the deer not to crash into the mall safari cars- Range Rovers, and all the classic antique cars that seem to be the status symbol de jour.  However,  at the Hampton's it's all about the houses and shopping.  Can a wedge replace a heel?  While I wasn't looking for a deep existential conversation-it looked like once you get out there, not many looking beyond the surface of the objects which are so valued in this hamlet.  Privilege, Parties and Polo.  These babes bring Momtrepreneur to a new level.  Bubba got a kick out of stopping for gas at the Hess where the oh so beautiful are lined up for Coconut Water AND cigarettes.  The duality of choices I suppose.  While this is my first trip to the Hampton's, Bubba has been and worked out here in his Secret Service days-celebs and pres's.  10.3 acres/house included $29,000,000-perfection on the East End.  One after another. Recession?  Recession? We don't have no stinking recession out here! It is actually prettier than I expected- the gardens are quite lovely and lots of tall bushes to hide the haciendas.  Never mind that "private road" sign Bubba.  That doesn't include Boca.  Hello.  So up and down the roads we went with me and the Pleepster peeking between the hedges.  Bubba, next time helicopter please.  And, does anybody know somebody who owns one of these Casa's???  Make that $15m and up please.  As Bubba said "yesterday's potato field is tomorrow's $20mil house plot".  God love America!

Pleep and Bubba found their favorite thing in the Hampton's - check out the tractor.  They lusted after one to the point where Pleep had almost convinced Keith to put a bid in on one of the houses just to get the tractor. And don't forget good ol' Sag Harbour.  Now here's a moniker I can relate to.  After all that partying in NYC my face has gone sharpei ...again.  Memo to self, must do something about that when we get home.   Eventually, one does have to take off one's sunglasses....Chanel or not.   On to the ferry to Shelter Island and the ferry to Greenport LI  and the ferry from Orient Point  to New London Connecticut....beats the hec out that bumper to  bumper on 27/495.  Now the "Jitney" (their term for Greyhound) makes perfect sense.

Another Long & Winding Road

Another Long & Winding Road
3,300 Miles Is A Short Haul For This Crowd