Then newest Fisher House and what a stunning beauty. Our House Manager, Elizabeth St.Pierre, was out on leave but we were given a wonderful tour by the Janice-housekeeper and back up for Eliz. We had the opportunity to meet a lovely woman and her granddaughter who were guests of the Fisher. Her husband was having heart surgery at the VA and they were so grateful to be able to stay at the House as they lived up in Maine and this VA was the closest to do his surgery.

As the President told us at his speech Tuesday evening, it is the end of American combat mission in Iraq. There will be lots of homecomings for these troops and lots of opportunity's for us to support the troops, veterans and their families. While our military families are strong, resilient and proud to serve their country WE too need to be part of that "war" effort. How can we support and engage these folks? Those of you who have a military base in your community- jump in to the many opportunities to help, love and hug. And how about your local VA Hospital or Clinic? Again, opportunity abounds-a simple visit means so much.

Check out to see how others are helping out. Keeping in mind less than 1% of our population is doing 100% of the fighting for all of us. I can't wait to hear your story-the one of respect and gratitude that each of us holds for them in our hearts. Keith and I are so blessed with stellar family and friends like you. Amen!
John is an old South Chicago childhood friend-we are talking Boca's roots-now the Renaissance Man of Orthodox Boston and excellent tour guide. Contance is finishing up her Phd in Audiology, and not only beautiful but pure delight and ANOTHER one of Father Chris' and Prez Georgia's (Ft. Lauderdale/St. Demetrious Greek Orthodox Church) accomplished kids. Of course we had to eat at a Greek Restaurant- The No Name at the dock area. After driving around Boston all day and living to tell the story, Bubba was apoplectic. Bring on that Ouzo please-Opa!