Out and About

The weather could not be better- must be that Bubba Karma. Just strolling around the hood is delightful. Most of the folks in the Anderson's hood have headed back to wherever-Boston, New York, a few Texans and even Florida. Way too pretty to head back just yet. Besides we haven't seen Pleep and Sis for a few days.....telling me they found friends, know their way home and they are soooo in trouble!
That lighthouse keeper goes back a forth to that island in that cable car??? Yikes!
Cliff art- come on Bubba climb out there and participate in the Community Art on the Cliffs.
Several lovely Inns...I loved this no vacancy sign.

The beach is wide...well a couple times a day. Tide has a lot to do with your beach experience. Feeding the seagulls is an art. Not a sport for the timid but a way to see the birds up close and personal.

We saw this play in New York (when it first came out 2005-Hank Azaria, Tim Curry and David Hyde Pierce) and so enjoyed this award winning cast. So being invited to the local theater-Ogunquit Playhouse- my expectations were not high. Boy was I wrong. Oh What a Show! Medieval merry-making with the delightfully zany Monty Python's Spamalot was fantastic. Charles Shaughnessy (remember him from the TV's The Nanny) was our King Arthur along with one of Broadways Divas-Rachel York had us thoroughly entertained. Real funny, real silly, real joyous...WE FOUND OUR GRAIL! A true regional theater- a jewel. And the bonus to the evening was Pappa Bush and Barbara sitting a couple rows behind us. After the standing ovation when they walked in the cast incorporated their attendance in to the play with great fun and dignity. A good time was had by all! And thank you John and Pat for the very fine seats. Bubba so enjoyed the hardbody dancing babes!