This beautiful National Forest and Appalachian mountain range covers 1/4 of the state of New Hampshire and a small portion of western Maine- is considered the most rugged mountains in New England. The most famous peak-Mount Washington (6,288 ft) and home to the fastest surface wind gust measured in the northern hemisphere (231 miles per hour) WOULD have been great to visit but when the lady in the ticket booth barked "whatareyanuts! 25 foot visibility up there today". And the Pleep said, "Mam, you don't know my Dad. He has driven this rig to the Arctic Ocean, I can assure you he can handle your mountain". "Hey little Monkey, do you not understand what 25 feet of visibility looks like? from here to there and there are no guard rails up there and..." Bubba did a donut to get out of there as fast as he could- no Pleep and Sis, not today. We'll enjoy it from a distance. The Pleepster thinks this sounds like that scam at Denali- only 65 days a year of visibility on this one-have you made it to the top???

No Hiking the Whites for Boca....how about the next best thing, the Mount Washington Hotel

Built in 1902 by 250 Italian artisans, this National Historic Landmark is worth the visit. Since 1999 it is now open year round- lots of skiing up this way. We were too early for the fall colors but we still managed to enjoy the beauty of this neck of the woods. Pleep particularly enjoyed the rocking chairs on the back porch. And Sis enjoyed the Feldman wedding....and what a place for a wedding. Whoever the Feldmans are- excellent venue!

The Pleepster was sick and tired of seeing all the Moose Crossing signs-and not one sighting. He figures it's a good tourist ploy. From the trip last year he became quite the expert on Moose sightings...the road apples were the first clue. No road apples in New Hampshire and not a darn moose in sight. So he was quite pleased with the moose head in the lodge. Close enough,
And how about the Mountain View Grand

Built in 1865, this casual and comfy resort is also a beauty. Although closed for many years some young dot com entrepreneur bought it and poured a lot of dough into and reopened in 2002. Good job my man. And Boca and Sis nosed in on another wedding.... the room rate here is the same as the Linoleum Motel Six in Montauk. Go figure.