The parish priest, Father Vladimir (how's that for a coincidence) was up in New Foundland visiting his family but we so enjoyed the liturgy with Father Roman. Father Roman is a visiting monk from the Hermitage of the Annunciation (about and hour or so away). This OCA (Orthodox Church of America) parish is small but sweet. As a matter of fact Father Roman (originally a Roman Catholic Priest from France) spoke about "while we may be small and struggling to survive, bigger isn't necessarily better". Oh haven't we experience that at our home parish in Boca. St. Vladimir's was founded by a small group of English an Russian- speaking individuals who wante a parish which would be non-ethnic and open to all. The group finally decided that the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) was the most suitable jurisdiction for them. The OCA grew out of the Patriarchal Russian Church and has continued te tradition of Russia Orthodoxy, using both English and Slavonic in its service. The parish first met at St. Mary's University and in 1996 moved to the domestic chapel in the home of Fr. Vladimir's in Halifax. Currently the "church" is housed in a building on the property of St. George's Church Hall, an Anglican Church in Halifax.

Yes, the example you/me set is a way of sharing. Action being the key word. Way to go Bubba you little glow worm!

On the other hand me thinks old Tim said something about you and your Tug of choice being a bit more like the bees knees Bub. And of course I choose you and little Toot Toot over Tim and that huge gleaming hunk o hunk of burning...

We had a ball climbing and slip sliding to watch the phenomenal surf break....very very cool. This iconic spot is a must see and of course you follow up the slippery situation at the Sou'westerner with a bowl of Chowdah...who knew there were so many ways to make Chowdah.
These are waves for the brave!