As if we weren't exhausted with all that praying and Babushka wearing....our Super Tour Guide John took us on an evening tour around Harvard yard. The students are back in full swing and oh so different than my first visit to Harvard to watch my cousin play football here in 1968. And my first plane ride. And the greatest football game of all time- Harvard / Yale. As a matter of fact, there is a movie on HBO right now about that wild and crazy game. Yes, my cousin (another great guy from South Chicago) won a full scholarship to Harvard. I have been back a few times since that game....oddly I was invited to speak at the Harvard Business School in 1990. I guess they found it amusing a "lady"-those of you who know me, I use the term loosely- owned a manufacturing company. After much discussion and under one condition....that I get to attend school with the students for a week, I said yeah. Huh? You want to what??? So I did and had an absolute ball...and now more Cambridge fun. There we were tripping around the campus at night. It was a hoot to see the kids in the quad at night with their Macs glowing in the dark! Back in my college days we glowed for other reasons...;)

John had to torture old Bubba and hightail it around the HARVARD LAW SCHOOL. Bubba said "Oh,hell, NO. I don't need to see where they manufacture these liberal nut cases." ...Aw come on Bubba let's have a little fun...and John sweet talked the young lady at the desk to let us "visit" the library.

Bubba shows his support and delight with the most recent Supreme court Justice....from Harvard Law...Ms. Kagan

but does find a friend here after all....good ol'Oliver Wendall Holmes.
After laughing hysterically and trying to "whisper" our commentary for our ears only Campus Security HIGHLY RECOMMENDED it was time for Bubba to exit and perhaps another school would be more to his liking.....
You go Bubba!