The Harbor is loaded with many fishing vessels- lobsters galore.

Another beautiful Maine day...we wore our dripping butter like the rest of the crowd. Nobody tires of the delicious and ever so fresh lobster, fish, clams, and oysters cooked every which way....
And on the way back through another picturesque village- Wiscasset we saw a line of people on the street leading up to RED'S EATS. Hey what's, going on? For 31 years the late Al Gagnon perfected the "lobster roll" now his daughter carries on the family tradition. The bun (hot dog bun) is loaded with lobster (mayo or butter on the side)-hence the lobster roll known around the world. The fresh lobster arrives daily from Booth Bay. Red's prepares between 35,000-45,000 lobster rolls per season (8.5 tons). The wait in line can be up to 2 hours (July/August) but everyone says it's worth the wait. The other food that is also popular is the fried onion rings. These jumbo rings use 200 lbs of onions weekly for that greasy fried demand.
Just in time for cocktail hour at the Andersons- John disappears and I ask where did he go? Down to the Dungeon? Hey what's down there? A new England basement and a perfect place to keep the wine. "Don't go down there Boca! You won't like the smell." Au contraire, I love that musty old basement smell and unlike Boca Raton which is basementless and garages are humid and hot there is no place to "keep" the wine. HENCE WE ARE FORCED TO DRINK IT QUICKLY.