Farewell to our Fine Friends the Andersons and Black Dog
The Anderson's have raised the bar on the definition of hospitality. While we had intended to spend 2 or 3 days our stay "extended " to 7! And the week raced by. Home? Home? We felt at home. We were on the go every moment. They shared their little slice of Maine with us. A week we will never forget. Thank you Pat and John and of course The Black Dog.

A farewell libation at the Beach with some of their beachy pals. The adage of make new friends but keep thee old -one is silver and the other is gold. In this case the Anderson's qualitfy as platinum. I hope our "new" friends love us for who we are- warts and all! Thank you Pat and John for a fantastic week in Ogugunquit. No R and R here- just full tilt boogy mode and tons of laughs and fun.
You know we have become friends when John was comfortable enough to wear his favorite shoes....water in and water out. You can take the man out of New England but you can't take the New England out of the man.