Bubba continues to be amazed at my more than lacking History Chops (AGAIN reminding me of my South Chicago roots). In his mind necessitating giving me a little refresher of a slice of U.S and World History. Paleo-Indians camped at present day Nova Scotia. The first European settlement was established in 1604 lead by the French- Bonjour! Pierre Dugua established the first capital for the colony Acadia at Port Royal. Then the Scots showed up in 1621-war between the English and French 1627- with the English (Scots) establishing Nova Soctia (actually all the land between New Foundland and New England) as a part of mainland Scotland. That is until the King of England signed the Treaty of Souza and gave it to the French-AuREVOIR!-lots of back and forth going on here. Maybe the reason for the success of the potato....little joke there-get it? As in Hot, my very Blond Boca Babes. Then along comes the French-India War-score the Brits and throw out those Acadians (here they come Louisiana) and the loyalists get to stay. The Brits imported a bunch of Protestants (mainly German- Hi Kai!) who would pledge allegiance to the Crown. And we all know how much Boca loves a Crown. I so love the idea of bestowing land and gifts to those who adore you- GO ROYALS! Even the eastern portion of Maine was caught up in the fun, when the newly independent state of Massachusetts was in control. Then here come the American Tories (Brit Loyalists) post defeat of the Brits in the American Revolutionary War. NS later joining the Canadian Confederation and eventually onward and upward but I so love the Queen still "rules". IMAO! Lot's Queen This and Queen That going on around here.

We did stop at the Sobey-their Publix/Kroger. Even though I don't cook, as you know I like to eat so it's always fun to check out the "local" grocery. Do you like to check out the grocery when you travel? And speaking of prices, Bubba just stoped for some gas...$92.46 (not even a full tank!)- at $4 a gallon not a pretty sight. Between the rain and blowing wind he gripped the steering wheel the whole ride and boy was he ready to just put on his favorite gym shorts (girlfriends you've all seen the "holy ones) and work out. If truth be told, it is so easy to put those pesky pounds on, while doing a rode trip- in spite of the green slimey's. I think my bum just wants to adopt to that big comfy SUV seat-ugh. Brings new vision to muffin top. Does this seat make my butt look big Bubba? Still in the new jeans but it's tenuous at best. Double Oy. Bubba keeps commenting on my old Italian Lady Look- meaning black, black and more black. And honey, what about the laundry, now in 3 garbage bags? Bubba, if we wash it SOMEONE HAS TO IRON IT-HELLO! and the black stuff doesn't show all the drippings etc. After all, I AM IN MOURNING- as those jeans are getting super stretched. I look like I'm giving birth to SPONGE BOB SQUAREPANTS. Sadly, the jeans remind me of where my imperfections lie on my body-that when I bend-in just the right direction it cuts off circulation to my nether regions- my BUM does not need any more reasons to fall asleep. Bubbba, WHERE ARE THE DAMN SPANX!