After last summers "once in a life time road trip" we were hooked-if bored one evening see (North to Alaska) for sordid details. There are plenty of reasons to hit the road and celebrate America's (and Canada too!) cultural heritage and natural wonders. Although we haven't experienced the meandering version-our trip is kinda planned and suits our purpose. Our focus are the FIVE F'S (family, friends, fishers, faith, forests). With the blessing of health and time we are free to visit and experience our F's. We have also learned the way to a healthy life style on a long road trip....goal for this trip is to eat green and healthy- no more Bubba's Jerky and Corn Dogs. Bubba is even bringing his Vita Mixer. Nothing like a Slimey I mean green smoothie to start the day off. Pleep only indulges in the banana green for the Pleepmeister. And yes there has been a new addition to the Collins Road Family- Pleep now has a sister- Pleetisha (aka Sis). After he laid down the rules of the road to Sis and made it clear who is in charge of this rig she smiled sweetly and said "you bet Bro!" So come along for the ride- Happy Trails!
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Hey Bubba, should we go touring, exploring or just roll over?Discovering the seafaring heritage of Nova Scotia in Lunenburg was just
the spot to do so. The drive along Nova Scotia's south shore is rugged with many lighthouses and more churches. Bubba insisted that I hang my head out the window to pick up on the Godliness and Spiritual Wind. And his hope continues to be forever for ol'Boca.
In this historic town, you have stepped back in time- with street scapes so unchanged you feel as though you've entered a centuries wide time warp. The wharves have a bunch of Cape Island boats that bring in the fish or take out the tourists for whale watching and more.

Lunenburgs colorful waterfront, narrow streets, captivating architecture and searing history have made it a UNESCO World Heritage site. Red wooden warehouses, brightly hued heritage homes and crystal blue water make the Lunenburg waterfront a jewel-toned tapestry. And as we all know the best view is from a Pub! The only complaint I have are those tiny itsy bitsy oysters....they make sashimi a bargain! It is simply infectious, the warmth and sincerity that comes with every nod, word or wave. One of many delightful villages in Nova Scotia.