The MOOSE ( please note unlike goose, MOOSE is both singular and plural) lives to 12 years of age and is a herbivore-plants and fruits and some tree shoots- sounds like Bubba. And they eat up to 9770 calories a day to keep up their figures.
How about comparing the MOOSE accidents with wild boar problem in Germany. They have 250,000 wild animal (lots of wild boar) accidents per year of which 3000 people are injured and 27 die. Yikes and Om pa pa!
MOOSE were introduced to the island in 1912. The hit parade for countries with MOOSE: 1. Canada- 830,000 2. Russia- 435,000 3. Sweden- 200,00 4. Norway- 125,000 5. Finland-90,000. And Maine has 30,000 of which we only saw one!
The hunters on Newfoundland, 28,000 of them kill approximately 24,000 MOOSE. Big business up here. YOU CAN BET THE BUBS WILL BE BACK FOR SOME OF THIS MOOSE FUN!

The hunters on Newfoundland, 28,000 of them kill approximately 24,000 MOOSE. Big business up here. YOU CAN BET THE BUBS WILL BE BACK FOR SOME OF THIS MOOSE FUN!