Well this place is certainly off the beaten path. NEWFIE is located 3.5 hrs west of Greenwich and hence has it's own time zone. Oddest thing they are 1.5 hrs ahead of east coast time. Not one hour, not two hrs. 1.5. This former colony became a part of Canada in 1949 and in 2001 combined with Labrador to become the newest province- NEWFOUNDLAND LABRADOR. The population is 510,000 (90% live on Newfie) and actually has decreased since the 1986 census (586k). It is triangular in shape (250 miles each side) and covers 42,030 square miles- about the size of Tennessee, Virginia or Bulgaria. But how about the Alaskan comparison- which has 698,473 residents on 586,412 square miles.
The Arches showcase a geological formation formed over millions of years, as a result of glacial action, wind and water erosion. Sever storms continue to slowly change and erode the Arches. In the future they'll probably be reduced to rock pillars or sea stacks. And aren't they so different from Arches National Park we saw last summer out in hot and dry Utah...same idea about those glaciers.
Welcome to wilderness paradise. Breath often and at will because with enough coastline wrapped around this province to stretch back and forth across Canada 4 times-there is no shortage of breathing room! The province has it's own motto: "SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD". MATHEW 6:33 A place of God, spirits and seaside splendor. We are lovin it.
A place to find inspiration for sure.
A hike to the cruise ship? We need to walk in 2 miles to get to the pond Bubba? No Disneyland trams to get us there?? Nope Boca...march. Follow me honey. Don't worry I'll carry your bag with 50lbs of who knows what you have in there...for a 2.5 hr cruise.
This area is the most northern section of the Appalachian mountains. Surrounded by steep rock-2000ft high. The water is absolutely pristine- no human impact. Just a little moose here and there...
Yes, massive billion year old cliffs.
Bubba's new NEWFIE BUDDY...actually lived in Florida for 20 years and met a Newfie lass married and has lived up here the past 20 plus years-lovin it! They say some people come here to loose themselves and others to find themselves. I think both apply to Boca and Bubba.
Yes, massive billion year old cliffs.