Technically, Chip is my second cousin (we have the same great grandparents). Ah, relationships with our cousins-double cousins (2 siblings reproduce with 2 siblings of another family), double second cousins, third cousins, double fourth cousins, half-cousins, 1 1/2 cousins, step cousins, cousin-in- law and the ever favorite first cousin-twice removed. I really adore my many cousins- closer with some more than others. And of course there's a few whackadoos in the mix. Can you imagine their take on Boca? What is your relationship like with your cousins???? Oh and for those of you sleeping with your cousin (not uncommon)-ewwwwwww!
Bubba says "this is my kind of place- how long can I stay?" Since Bubs sold his "farm" in South Carolina a couple years back he has been itchin to dig in the dirt. Poor Bubba, been surfing the net routinely looking for a little something somewhere so he can get back to riding his tractor. He rents out cheap for plowing your dirt...hell, he'll pay you!
His house is 90 years old, located on 370 acres. This beautiful bucolic mountainous area is just the perfect anecdote to life in the city. Chip and his partner have a lighting business and I would guess could get a little intense at times. So the weekend farmer was therapy I guess.
Chips very own Walden Pond. Ah a place to relax and think a bit..
This is a spot to write the great American novel- our very own transcendentalist and philosopher Chip Thoreau....LIFE IN THE WOODS with Chip. This place is really off the grid. He pumps in his electricity via generator. It's a 2 mile drive from the road to his house. It was a little scary driving out there the first night, in the dark. Boca rolled down the windows and listened for Banjo music.....
This is Chip's post Obama business venture...a coffee house in Deposit. Coffee House- an establishment which primarily serves prepared coffee or other hot beverages. A bit like a bar? A bit of a restaurant? A bit of a cafeteria? From a cultural point of view, coffee houses can serve as centers of social interaction- a place to congregate, talk, write, read, entertain each other or just past the time. The coffee house originated in 1555 in Constantinople (now Istanbul) right up to today's billion dollar coffee house Starbucks. I suggested to Chip he could name the shop in Honor of Bubba, PERMANENT ADDICTION or in Honor of Boca BEAN AROUND THE WORLD. No he is sticking with BUTTERFIELD. But he did promise to name a special brew in Boca's honor. Excellent- how about....WIRED ON BEANS or BOCA'S ATOMIC GRINDS, BOCA'S IT'S A GRIND OR PAM'S PREMIUM EXPRESSO or BOCA'S JUMPIN JITTER and my personal favorite BOCA'S DIURETIC DELIGHT. And your vote goes to?
Hell, by the time I got done with the town tour I had Chip running for Mayor and signed up for the Chamber of Commerce and and and..
Of course a visit to the local farmers market is a must. Pleep was very entertained by the goats. He begged the Bub to buy him one as a goat would be a lot more fun than Sis or Lulu. It was no easy task explaining how a goat on the intercoastal would not work...."just wait till I get my farm Pleepmeister, we're gonna have all kinds of fun".

Sasha the great hunter brought Boca her farewell kill. EEka Volts! Time to go Chip...Bubba will be back soon I am sure.