The morning ritual is a stop off at Tim Horton's for a coffee and BOSTON CREAM DONUT. OMG. I do believe we have gone off the wagon of Green Smoothies at this point....
Sis gets a bit worried about what the GPS is telling her....where are we going!? Don't worry Sis, we won't fall off the land. No moose on the island of Twillingate-Pleep is nonplussed. Where's the winery?
Freedom from the familiar and mundane for the Collins is the order of the day. Freedom from the incessant bombardment of information (Fox) and Boca's I phone. And as Sir Richard Francis Burton said in words a century old, captures the venture...."Of the gladdest moments in human life, methinks, is the departure on a distant journey into unknown lands. Shaking off, with one mighty effort, the fetters of Habit, the leaden weight of Routine, the cloak of many Cares, and the slavery of Home". Well said my man. We are not even thinking about the windows that were supposed to be replaced while we were on the road AND SO NOT HAPPENING. Whatever- it's only hurricane season. We really have escaped. I do think we tend to cram a bit too much into our journeys.
The road really does remind us of who we are and who we aren't. Right Bubs? Bubba keeps saying he's getting "too old" to do these crazy road trips. No way Bubba- WE ARE NOT TOO OLD! What kind of holiday do you like to take? What is your dream holiday/trip/adventure? What adventure is next on your bucket list?
Of course Pleep had to stop off at the Winery. The Winery? Yes you can get as many bottles of the specialty wine made with...blueberry's, strawberry's and even rhubarb. Yum. And naturally he had to get the PLAY HARD T-shirt. Sis had to remind him that the US probably had the same rule as Canada has about bringing in wine and that the 2 cases he told the wine lady to get him was not such a good idea. I heard him mutter something about his Sister being such a buzz kill.