Bubba knows this drive home by heart. Must have made it a hundred times over the years. Looking forward to driving on some flat highway. The condition of the car- as they say in the south " a hot mess" and packed beyond the gills. As mentioned we took waaaaaaaaay to much stuff. Making it a royal pain to look for or find anything. I have been wearing the same blouse for 3 days, an all time low. Praise God it is black....same idea for the black jeans. The shoes? Caked with mud, from who knows where. And we all know Dr. Oz says "don't wear the same shoes two days in a row, you need to let them air out". Hmmmm. A possible fungus amungus???? And this morning Bubs remarked, "aren't you going to put on some make-up?" I knew he would heal up in a few days.
And wrappers from junk food, pop, water bottles, coffee cups, napkins, Kleenex, cd's, gas receipts, several pair of sunglasses and on and on. There should be a realty show called "CAR HOARDING". We definitely would qualify. Another all time low at a gas stop today. I bought $25 worth of candy. Bubba hadn't had a Butterfinger in 30 years. All that sugar did sweeten his cranky head cold infested personality. I figured the money we were saving on gas now (compared to up North and Canada) more than covered the sweets. I did have to listen to "I'm getting rid of this car. I can't stand the way it handles. It's too big. I'm getting a beamer or lex. I do all the driving, you don't get to vote, you need to go see a doctor about your driving anxiety". The past few days have been very "cranky" as Bubba contracted a cold from all that rain and the no good (ha North Face) rain jacket. And we all know how fun it is when your husband has a head cold- giving him the RIGHT to crab, blow and drive like a maniac. When Bubs is ready to get home, THE MAN IS READY TO BE HOME. Ain't love grand? Oh yes, it is time for Bubba to go home. But wait he's just going to turn right around and head back to Butch's for opening of tadaaaaaaa HOLY OF HOLIES- HUNTING SEASON! Amen that South Carolina has the longest hunting season in the USA. Hurrraaaah!
And another favorite is the not only darling, but articulate and driven Marco Rubio. Our next US Senator- sorry Charlie. I am sure most of you have seen him on TV (Fox of course). This young man has a hell of a career in front of him...and I have told him and handlers...just stay on the straight and narrow.
And back to business on the eating healthy again. Fearful of getting on the scale I am doing a fast today with the hopes of fasting off 2 months of overindulging in every which way. Duh Boca you'll be Zumba-ing your way to fitting back into those new pants you bought before the road trip. I swore I would keep up my healthy eating and 5 day a week exercise....what happened? The car is a calorie free zone?

And he continued... I am getting rid of this car and no more road trips with this big truck, no more packing and taking along all this crap we don't need, I'm too old to do these kind of road trips, I want to go one place and stay there yada yada yada. Didn't I hear somewhere " books and dogs make good companions"? And Bubba retaliates "When cookies are passed, take one".

Do you collect anything in your travels ? What? What do you do with them/it over the years? I'm not know for being GREEN but so much of the stuff in those "tourist shops" is a bunch of ..."waste". Ha and you were thinking of another word weren't you!