MONTREAL is a jewel nestled along the St. Lawrence River. Once a fortified city, the old town is now a safe and vibrant community. Like Quebec City, Old Montreal is very European in character. Cobblestone streets, a café culture, and historic 17th and 18th century architecture, all contribute to the quaint charm of Old Montreal that is unique amongst cities in North America. Our hotel located a couple blocks from Old Montreal- thank you William Shatner.
Recovering from the Green Fairy, a City Highlight tour to refresh the memory was in order. We convinced our new pal, Helen (from Binghamton NY) to come along, as she heard Boca's Bus rides are always "MAGIC". That funny funny Helen wore her most favorite piece of jewelry in honor of Boca and Bubba....her OBAMA 08 pin. She insisted Bubs take a picture with her and the pin. Helen, figured his redneck pals would tease him forever. And I am sure she is "RIGHT"...PUN INTENDED. We had a lot of fun with Helen and she is coming back for the internationally known MONTREAL JAZZ FESTIVAL. Have you been??

Now can you believe we asked one of our fellow tourees to take our picture in front of the famous Olympic structure...and he managed to not only get the pole in the way but also a bus. Duh. Maybe he wasn't to keen on OBama either..... I think Boca and Helen make a cute couple, like Salt and Pepper in so many ways. After getting no where in trying to convince Helen to change parties to no avail, BOCA then moved on to why Helen should take the job offer and move to Spain. Ole! Eat, Pray and Eat Some More Helen!
This structure was built for Montreal's 1976 Olympics, the impressive, grandiose structure drew controversy in public opinion but remains a Montreal landmark to behold. The building itself may not be of too much interest other than for architectural or Olympic enthusiasts. worthwhile.
BOCA ALWAYS LOVES TO PEEK IN ON A WEDDING....invited or not. Both of these were beautiful. I think Boca must have been a Wedding Planner in another life. And the offer stands for any of you to borrow any or all of the 162 Wedding Books I have.... It is such a pleasure to see a young couple get married in the old fashion traditional way- hello church.
I know destination weddings can be fun and exciting but remember Boca is all about the church. I know my Jewish friends that it is customary to have your service at the hotel but you always have that fabulous Chuppa so that counts. Loved the brown bridesmaid's dresses...brown? Who knew? Oh so chic.
Old town Montreal is quite the spot for a wedding. We heard it is booked up years in advance...and remember the favorite daughter of Montreal, Celine Dion...her extravaganza, I mean wedding. Held here at the NOTRE DAME BASILICA. NOW THAT WAS A WEDDING!
More old Montreal fun...AMEN! BEN AND JERRY'S. BOCA pick me up when your done nosing around. This is Bubba's version of the Green Fairy. Ditto for Sis. Boca and Pleep still in recouping mode.
The Underground City
On a cold or rainy day, you may wish to visit the Underground City - a sheltered complex, which covers over 12 kilometers in Montreal's downtown and attracts hundreds of thousands of local and international visitors per day. Shop, eat, visit a museum or just escape the elements.
The largest and best-known section of the city is located in the centre of downtown, between Peel and Place-des-Arts metro stations on the Green Line and between Lucien-L'Allier and Place-d'Armes stations on the Orange Line. And yes BOCA AND BUBBA on the Orange line -quite a site! We are talking shopping Mecca. Sis had a ball shopping and hopping from store to store while Boca got a manicure-finally. Now if she could only find someone to do those never ending pesky roots... Sis tried to convince Boca to go "green" and Boca remarked been there done that my darling Sis. No more Green Fairy for the Boca.