We stopped by to enjoy a warming tipple of Glen Breton Rare. Naturally Pleep used his fake ID so he could be included on the tour. Who knew Barley, Yeast and Water could be so much fun?

And he always takes great care in signing the guest book. Pleep wants to make certain there is a record of his visits to all the distilleries. He thinks this may be the best way to hide evidence on where he picked up which secrets.

So many superlatives to describe this magnificent highway into the edge of the ancient highlands- but no MOOSE to be seen. Hrrumph. BREATHE IN. BREATH OUT BOCA. THERE NOW, DON'T YOU FEEL BETTER ALREADY? I am free!
How's this for a goofy tourist trap? Too silly to pass up. Or is this part of the Acadian Shore culture that features la Mi-Careme? A place for the many refugees expelled from Nova Scotia and settled in Cape Breton. The Mi-Careme, a centuries- old mid-Lenten holiday from the rogues of the once strict fasting and penance that preceded Easter. While the custom of dressing up in disguises and visiting neighbors for an evening drink, food and music had been lost for many, the Acadians of northern Inverness County have always maintained this "cheerful" tradition and continue to celebrate this tradition quite vigorously. Bubba said he thought the Greeks invented this.....
CAPE BRETON HIGHLANDS NATIONAL PARK is known for its spectacular highlands and ocean scenery. Steep cliffs and deep river canyons carve a forested plateau bordering the Atlantic Ocean.

These highlands are the last reach of the Appalachians, old forested mountains that ave been molded by the last ice age and burnished by the wind,,, water and ice of the current climate and environment.
Seeing lighthouses, fishing wharves, sandy beaches, salmon pools and waterfalls. We are to early for the autumn colors which they say the Gulf of St. Lawrence is quite the backdrop for the Trail. The good news very few tourists here and..... No Moose yet.
We really had no idea how gorgeous this area was/is....have you been? Easy to get around and very safe. Quite the value...never mind the 15% tax on everything. Youza.
check it out... www.cabottrail.com