"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bow lines-catch the trade winds in your sails. EXPLORE DREAM DISCOVER" Mark Twain
MILES LOGGED: 9,626. They say you really never know someone until you travel with them and there's nothing like a road trip to reveal their real Buddha nature, or in this case, their real Bubba nature. Training a husband to travel was no easy feat. I think husbands and wives have different expectations when embarking on a road trip together. For most men a vacation is not a vacation unless you keep moving but in this case I was mover mamma and he was pinning to stop and relax. As Bub learned How To Keep a Woman Happy- you must be well informed and armed! And in the end go with someone you wouldn't mind sleeping with.
Pit Stops- scheduled or unscheduled? Be careful what you eat, you don't want to do the green apple quickstep. And please try not to eat foods that give you gas Bubba- enough with that Broccoli! And don't bogart that Good N Plenty Bubs. There is something about a road trip that gives you the munchies and makes you want beverages. Boca's inconvenience tolerance improved greatly on the trip.
Dashboard Etiquette- who controlled the music and climate control? This year we finally learned how to record the 100 CD's we brought along. Never mind you are not in the mood for Celtic, Pavarotti or The Who. You get what you get when you get it! Did I drive him less crazy than he drove me?? I became WOMAN WHO STARES AT GOATS.
Gazing in the side mirror....note to self, next car will not have a passenger side view mirror. I think all that mirror time drove the munchies level to the stratosphere....
Packing,...the SUV trunk is the whole car,the place for storage and like a vacuum and gas...we filled it. We lived out of the SUV more or less which made for interesting outfits. In addition, the packed to the gills vehicle, added pressure permeating the psychic space. Wrinkled and mismatch was the new "black". A sense of humor is required. And road humor is way better than road rage...well sometimes. And regarding the speed limit, I notice if you're not going 10 over you might be the target of marauding highwaymen and trucks! Bubba had to get his tough guy person on at times...hence colorful car language.
Our ROAD TRIP this year, NORTH TO NEWFOUNDLAND, redefined luxury....enjoying the company of family and friends, time, space, clothes that feel good (at least sorta clean), manners, meeting a new friend, a comfortable place to sleep, a good bowl of Chowder, good service to name a few. We learned LIFE is not in recession. Our theme song ON THE ROAD AGAIN suited our methods of travel.
BUBBA and I hope you have enjoyed the ride with us this summer as much as we did. I hope we made you smile now and again. We are grateful for God's grace of good health and time to go exploring. We are reminded of the joy of giving and embracing a lifestyle of generosity and giving out of gratitude. Please keep our military and their families in your prayers. And by all means give consideration to our beloved Fisher Houses in your hood. And just like last year, one of the highlights of the trip was meeting the Fisher House Managers, staff, volunteers and "guests". Many of you have been energized in learning about this stellar organization. We thank you for your consideration in any contribution you make to your local Fisher House or even the Fisher Foundation (www.fisherhouse.org). As a matter of fact Bubba and I extend an invitation to join us at our annual Holiday Party and Boca Raton Boat Parade on Sat. Dec 19. We will be honoring the Fisher Houses- one at the VA West Palm Beach and our newest Fisher House right here in Miami at the VA.
This has truly been a NOW AND ZEN ROADTRIP. As we sign off, family and friends, know we love you and are ever so grateful you are in our lives. God Bless!
Pleep and Sis sang our new Road Trip song....look out Lee Ann Womack!
I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat
But always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed
I hope you still feel small
When you stand by the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance
I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances
But they're worth taking
Lovin' might be a mistake
But it's worth making
Don't let some hell bent heart
Leave you bitter
When you come close to selling out
Give the heavens above
More than just a passing glance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
(Time is a real and constant motion always)
I hope you dance
(Rolling us along)
I hope you dance
(Tell me who)
I hope you dance
(Wants to look back on their youth and wonder)
(Where those years have gone)
I hope you still feel small
When you stand by the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance
(Time is a real and constant motion always)
I hope you dance
(Rolling us along)
I hope you dance
(Tell me who)
(Wants to look back on their youth and wonder)
I hope you dance
(Where those years have gone)
(Tell me who)
I hope you dance
(Wants to look back on their youth and wonder)
(Where those years have gone)

P.S. AND FOR THOSE OF YOU WONDERING WHAT WE CAME BACK TO....REMEMBER LAST SUMMERS INTERIOR/WALL LEAK...CONSTRUCTION STILL NOT COMPLETE FROM THAT DEBACLE....AND HOW ABOUT THIS YEAR...AS BUBBA UNLOCKED THE DOOR WE HEARD A HIGH PITCHED WHINING NOISE??????? The newly renovated shower blasting out steaming hot water.....the ceiling and walls looked like a science project. We can hardly wait to get the water bill. It turned on by itself? Yup. Bringing us to the conclusion yes the place is definitely haunted. Nothing like a little mold that says Welcome Home......