After another "country" breakfast made by the Chipmeister we were on our way. Now that's a kitchen sink my man. With all the rain and dampness Bubba's head cold wouldn't go away. Blow, Blow Blow. He sounded like a fog horn and of course a stop at every drug store he saw for more "cold medicine". And we all know how the Bubs loves a drug store. The console of the car looked like a pharmacy. As Bubba has done ALL THE DRIVING he asked if I could take over the wheel for awhile to give him a break as his sinus were killing him. Sure Bub. Between me getting anxious (all those semi's) and Bubs and Pleep yelling speed it up, get in the left lane bla bla. Boca only lasted for a couple miles and got off at the next exit. Sorry Bub.

The fighting at Gettysburg is history. Upon these rolling peaceful Pennsylvania fields more men died than in any other battle fought in North America before or since. Many of the Union soldiers who died here are buried in Soldier's National Cemetery where Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address-outlining the future of our nation. Sis loved sitting on Honest Abe for a photo.

The Civil War is Bubba's favorite-to read about and Gettysburg is his favorite battlefield. A few years back he did a Father-Daughter visit to the Battlefields of the Civil War so Alexandra could see first hand history of her country and have a better understanding of the scope and magnitude of the sacrifices made by soldiers and civilians alike. The "new" Visitor Center and Museum (a couple yrs old now) are outstanding. Bravo National Park Service. This now park, was a pivotal battlefield of the Civil War and has much meaning to Bubba. Even though his roots were with the south, his family fought for the south, he was glad the Union won that Battle and Won the war preserving our nation as one.

Bubba plots his method of attacking the battlefield of 1863....

And you can bet the Pleepster loved touring the battlefields. Of note, being a Florida monkey he was happy to find the Florida Memorial dedicated to the fallen soldiers of Florida. Florida had the highest % of casualties at Gettysburg. And also had the largest % of it's population in the Confederate Army, although smallest in actual numbers due to the spareness of it's population. Each year more than 1 million visitors explore the site. The new visitor center was A plus. Good job park system!

While the Junior Secret Service program (self guided activities and new agents are awarded a badge and certificate) was a hit with the other "kids" but the Pleep would have nothing to do with it as he has his own real badge- no monkeying around for him.

Pleep's favorite was cannon butting. From one battle filed to another wanting to try out all those cannons. Eventually one of the Park Rangers caught up with him (and once again his reputation preceded him) and made it clear while the Ranger was glad that Pleep was such a civil war buff that he would have to control his exuberance.
As a matter of fact the ranger invited the Pleep back to the area for some Civil War reenactment fun and recommended that he get a subscription to CIVIL WAR TRAVELER. Come on Dad ENOUGH OF ALL THAT READING ABOUT THE Civil War -I've found us great places to play and stay!
The Pennsylvania Civil War Trails system opened officially this year with 40 "story stops". Oh joy, said Sis. "Isn't there an Outlet Mall around here?" As Pleep reminded us what Napoleon said "Armies march on their stomachs" and it was time to stop by the Civil War Saloon for some grub. No time for the Eisenhower National Historic Site next door. Pleep and Bubs were all about experiencing history on THE battlefield. Pleep get off that dang statue!