The ride back on the ferry gave us some time to reflect on our neighbors, Canada, and how much we enjoy visiting- in spite of our hairy border crossings.
Around 20,000 years ago Canada was inhabited by aboriginal peoples but by the 19th century it had been settled by Europeans and so long abs. Two centuries of conflict and compromise was necessary to establish this country. Following the fighting between the British and French in the 1750's- the British won control of the country in 1759. These self governing colonies of British North America became the Dominion of Canada in 1867. And as previously mentioned Newfoundland did not become a part of the nation until 1949. Not much sign of those indigenous folks in these parts?? Very different than the western section of North America. Although we do see mention of them at interpretive centers...
Canada is the second largest country in the world (3,849,652 sq. miles)- USA (3,717,792 sq. miles)- fyi USA is 1/2 the size of Russia. The population of Canada is 30 million (ours 275 million per 2000 census and this year 297,000). The government is a parliamentary democracy with a federal political system. Do you know who the Prime Minister is? Stephen Harper (since 2006) - presides over Parliament at the capital in Ottawa. Since 1981 the separatist movement (Quebec wants to succeed) have asked the voters if they want to leave Canada, although voted no on both occasions, the vote was close. Looks like this discussion remains on the radar up this way. Newfoundland and Labrador joined hands to form one province in 2001 so now Newfie is also Newbie. So long Superb Newfoundland. Next time we must run up to Labrador. WOOF WOOF!
While B and B aren't much for the MANY B and B's here, Bubs isn't too keen on sharing a john with the neighbor, we have been fortuante to have travelled all provinces in Canada- Northern (Yukon), British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and now Newfoundland/Labrador. What's your favorite part of Canada? For Boca, it's always the most recent visit location- so loving this Newfoundland.
Next trip must include Labrador and St. Johns (capitol)- Hurricane Igor you mucked up the works but we are grateful to know all is well for the folks on the eastern coast. In spite of the tax (15.5%!!! )and price of gas ($4.50- ayia yia) we have so enjoyed our trip to Atlantic Canada. Spectacular scenery and terrific people always willing to help guide us around with a smile. So how does one define a Canadian? Per Pierre Berton " someone who knows how to make love in a canoe". Good one Pierre. Canoe Canoe?

Getting off the ferry in Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, at 6 pm and driving in the rain and dark was beyond dumb....GET OFF THE HIGHWAY BUBBA WE CAN'T SEE A THING AND THESE SEMI TRUCKS ARE TRYING TO KILL US. AND I KNOW SOME MOOSE IS GOING TO JUMP OUT IN THE ROAD ANY MOMENT! GET OFF! GET OFF! And like most men not stooping to ask for directions, Bubba took keeping up with the truckers as a personal challenge. GRRRRRR! And finally after Boca White Knuckling more than any airplane ride and pleading and fussing and some salty language as well as, hungry, tired and beyond cranky we get off the "highway"- you know the one without lights, lots of road construction that you can't see and very few exits, with little signage and no lights on the few out there we manage to get off the TCH (Trans Canada Highway).